Program List

The number of (the)data : 4
  • Human
  • Medical/Health
  • Human
  • Medical/Health



Shoen Matsumoto is both a trained paramedic and Buddhist monk attached to a hospital. While providing emergency care straight from the mortuary while still in monk clothes unnerves some patients, Shoen nevertheless proves fully devoted to saving lives, and if that’s not possible, performing rites of spiritual passage for those that die. Dedicated to both roles, he finds himself often at odds with other doctors and colleagues over the best care for patients while bringing solace that only he can to bereaved families. As a doctor, his mission is to save lives. As a monk, it’s saving souls. Growing through this existential struggle, Shoen gives us a life-size drama in which to reflect on the true meaning of life and death.

救急救命医でありながら病院付きの“僧侶”である主人公・松本照円(しょうえん)。 緊急時には僧衣のまま急患のケアに当たり患者たちに迷惑がられたりもしながら、 日々運ばれてくる患者の命に懸命に向き合い、また亡くなった患者のために霊安室で お経をあげて弔うなど、2つの顔で全力で奮闘している。 救命医の仲間や他科の医師たちと患者の命のために本気でぶつかり、 また救うことのできなかった患者の遺族と真摯に向き合う。 「医師」として命をどう救うのか、「僧」として死をどう看取るのか。 悩みを抱えながらも人として成長していく姿を通じ、 「生きる」とは、「死ぬ」とは何なのかを、もう一度考えるきっかけを与えるヒューマンドラマ。

응급실 의사이면서 병원 소속의“승려”이기도 한 주인공 마쓰모토 쇼엔. 응급 시에는 승려복을 입은 채 위급환자를 간호하여 환자들을 난처하게 만들기도 하지만 매일 응급실을 찾는 환자들의 생명에 필사적으로 노력하고, 또 사망한 환자들을 위해 영안실에서 경을 올리며 애도하는 등 두 얼굴의 모습으로 전력 분투한다. 응급실 동료나 타과 의사들과 환자의 생명을 위해 진지하게 맞서고, 또 구하지 못한 환자의 유족에게 진심을 다한다.「의사」로서 생명을 어떻게 구할 것인가?「승려」로서 죽음을 어떻게 지켜볼 것인가? 고민하면서도 인간으로 성장해가는 모습을 통해 「삶」과 「죽음」이란 무엇인가를 다시 한번 생각해보는 계기를 전하는 휴먼 드라마.


  • Family
  • Romance
  • Family
  • Romance

You’ve Got Someone to Come Home To


A realistic portrayal of the daily struggles, pent-up frustrations and miscommunication of marital life that people everywhere can relate to, centered around the marriage of two couples. Mayumi Sato and her husband Hideaki are into their 13th year of marriage and have a teenage daughter. With childrearing nearly finished and family finances tight, Mayumi decides to return to work after more than a decade away to help with their daughter’s tuition at a private middle school. But she finds Hideaki to be uncooperative and fumes at her husband’s backward attitude. Meanwhile, the Nasuda family of Taro, wife Ayako, son Shingo and Taro’s parents forms the picture of a traditional Japanese household. Taro is uncontested master of the house, and Ayako dutifully attends to her husband’s every need without question. Then one day, the couple visit a model home showroom where Hideaki works. Hideaki is smitten by Ayako, who seems the polar opposite of his own wife, and a forbidden affair ensues.


어느 두부부를 중심으로 일상에 숨겨진 불만과 엇갈림등 누구나가 공감할 수 있는 고민과 갈등을 리얼하게 그린 성인드라마.
결혼13년차 주부・사토 마유미는 남편・히데아키, 딸과 함께 살고 있다. 사립중학교에 입학한 딸의 학비로 생활이 빠듯해지자 마유미는 십몇년만에 직장에 나가게 된다. 하지만, 히데아키는 그런 아내에게 비협조적이고 마유미는 남편의 태도에 불만을 느낀다.
한편, 나스다 타로와 아내 아야코는 외아들 신고, 타로의 부모님과 함께 살고 있다. 타로는 믿을 수 없을 만큼 가부장적인 남편이지만 아야코는 항상 조용히 남편에게 순종한다. 그런 어느날, 히데아키가 근무하는 주택회사 모델하우스에 타로와 아야코가 고객으로 찾아온다. 히데아키는 마유미와는 대조적인 타입의 아야코에게 마음이 끌리고 이윽고 해서는 안될 사랑에 빠지게 된다.


  • Family
  • Science
  • Romance
  • Samurai
  • Human
  • Tearjerker
  • Family
  • Science
  • Romance
  • Samurai
  • Human
  • Tearjerker



Two years have passed since Jin slipped through a time warp and landed in the Edo period at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate’s reign. Worried about the state of depression into which Saki has fallen, Jin pays a visit to her native home when it is revealed that her mother, Ei has been stricken with beriberi disease. According to her elder brother Kyotaro, Saki had come home to urge her mother to see a doctor only to be sent away without even being allowed in the home as Ei had not yet forgiven Saki for previously breaking off an arranged marriage proposal. In hopes of somehow saving Ei, Jin comes up with a scheme to administer medicine-laced sweets, for which Ei has a weakness.

시대를 초월해 미나카타 진이 막부의 에도시대로 타임슬립한후 2년쯤 지난 어느날.
상심한 사키의 모습이 마음에 걸려 사키의 집을 찾아간 진은 사키의 오빠 쿄타로로 부터 사키의 어머니 에이가 각기병이란 사실을 듣게된다. 어머니를 걱정한 사키가 집으로 찾아와 의사에게 진찰을 받으라 권하지만 혼담을 깬 사키를 용서할 수 없었 던 에이는 사키가 집안으로 들어서는 것도 용납않은채 그녀를 내쫓았다. 어떻게해 서든지 에이를 치료하고 싶은 진은 단음식을 좋아한다는 에이를 위해 과자를 준비 해 각기병치료를 하려고 하지만….

穿越時空而迷失在幕府的江戶時代已經有兩年了的「南方仁」,這一天, 因為擔心失落的「咲」來到了她老家探訪,從其兄「恭太郎」那兒得知咲的母親榮患有腳氣病。根據恭太郎的敘述,數日前咲因為擔心母親的病情而去拜訪了橘家,建議請大夫過來診斷,但由於當初咲逕自取消婚事,至今榮未能原諒咲甚至連她擅自前來腳跨橘家的門檻都無法接受,最後把她逐出了門外。無論如何,想救治榮的仁,為了偏愛甜食的榮想出了用一種甜點作成的偏方,來治療她的腳氣病,但…。

  • Mystery
  • Romance

  • Mystery
  • Romance

ONE DAY 〜 It’s Wonderful Christmas Ado 〜

ONE DAY~聖夜のから騒ぎ~

Christmas Eve, it is one of the more romantic and special days of the year that everyone is excited about.
There are lovers who cuddle together, children who cannot wait for Santa Claus, and people who believe in reunions and run to the promised place.

This is a story of mystery, love, and miracles that depicts the events of "just one day," Holy Night, which people spend in their own way over the course of a single season.

The main characters are three completely unrelated men and women who have led separate lives.
The stories of the three men and women are told simultaneously during the course of a single day in the drama, gradually leading them to the intersection of their destinies.

When the holy night is over and the clock strikes midnight again, what kind of scene will unfold before their eyes?